
What Is The Magnitude Of The Change In Momentum Of The Cannonball During Firing

Conservation of momentum - Higher

In a closed system:

  • total momentum before an consequence = total momentum after the consequence

A 'airtight system' is something that is not afflicted past external forces. This is called the principle of conservation of momentum . Momentum is conserved in collisions and explosions .

Conservation of momentum explains why a gun or cannon recoils backwards when it is fired. When a cannon is fired, the cannon ball gains forwards momentum and the cannon gains backward momentum. Earlier the cannon is fired (the 'consequence') the total momentum is zippo. This is considering neither object is moving. The total momentum of the cannon and the cannon ball later on existence fired is also zero, with the cannon and cannon ball moving in opposite directions.

Calculations involving collisions

Collisions are often investigated using small-scale trolleys. The diagrams show an example.

Earlier collision

There are two trolleys, red and blue, The blue trolley is heading towards the stationary red one. There is an arrow above the trolley to indicate motion and direction. There are two trolleys, reddish and blue. The blue trolley is heading towards the stationary cerise one. At that place is an pointer above the trolley to indicate motion and management

After standoff

Two trolleys have collided and are shown as being together. Combined weights of the trolleys are shown. Two trolleys have collided and are shown equally existence together. Combined weights of the trolleys are shown

You tin can use the principle of conservation of momentum to summate the velocity of the combined (joined together) trolleys after the collision.

Case calculation

Calculate the velocity of the trolleys after the standoff in the example above.

Start calculate the momentum of both trolleys earlier the collision:

  • 2 kg trolley = 2 × 3 = six kg m/s
  • iv kg trolley = 8 × 0 = 0 kg grand/s
  • total momentum before collision = 6 + 0 = 6 kg m/s
  • total momentum (p) after collision = six kg m/due south (because momentum is conserved)
  • mass (g) later collision = 10 kg

Next, rearrange p = one thousand 5 to detect v:

  • \[v = \frac{p}{m}\]
  • \[v = 6 \div10\]
  • \[\underline{v=0.six\ thou/due south}\]

Note that the 2 kg trolley is travelling to the right before the collision. Every bit its velocity and the calculated velocity after the standoff are both positive values, the combined trolleys must also be moving to the right after the collision.

Calculations involving explosions

The principle of conservation of momentum can exist used to calculate the velocity of objects later an explosion.

Example calculation

A cannon ball of mass 4.0 kg is fired from a stationary 96 kg cannon at 120 m/s. Summate the velocity of the cannon immediately afterward firing.

full momentum of cannon and cannon ball before = 0 kg yard/s - because neither object is moving

full momentum of cannon and cannon ball later on collision = 0 kg k/s - because momentum is conserved

Momentum of cannon brawl afterward firing = 4.0 × 120 = 480 kg m/due south.

Momentum of cannon after firing = -480 kg m/s (because it recoils in the opposite direction and 480 - 480 = 0 kg yard/s, the total momentum after collision).

Rearrange p = m 5 to find v:

  • \[five = \frac{p}{one thousand}\]
  • \[v = 480 \div96\]
  • \[\underline{v=v.0\ m/southward}\]

Note that the forward velocity of the cannon ball was given a positive value. The negative value for the cannon's velocity shows that it moved in the opposite management.

Momentum is a vector quantity, so it is important to consider both magnitude and management. For example, if travelling due east is given a positive value, travelling west is given a negative value.
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